






gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building

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  • Depression

  • Bipolar and Other mood disorders

  • Anxiety disorders: OCD, PTSD, GAD, Phobias, Social Anxiety

  • Trauma: CPTSD, PTSD and Other trauma responses

Presenting issues we work with:

  • Childhood disorders: Separation anxiety, School Refusal, Conduct disorder, and other Behavioural Concerns.

  • Grief and Loss: Job loss, Relationship breakdown and Bereavement

  • Relationships: Couples therapy, Family Conflict, Parenting Issues

The Therapeutic Process

Unami values structure in her counselling sessions as this allows both the client and her self to know where they are going and why. A typical first session with Unami will involve the initial getting to know you, assessing what your main issues of concern are and then discussing your goals.
Once the goals have been established, Unami will usually talk about next steps such as providing information about your issue or working with a strategy.
Unami enjoys sharing tools and techniques. Among her favourite tools is sharing a therapy plan or case formulation with clients once an initial assessment has been completed. This involves helping the client identify the underlying factors from the past, current triggers of symptoms causing distress and any factors that may be maintaining unwanted experiences such as thoughts and behaviours.
Unami has found working this way helpful for clients who may feel stuck and need to think differently about their experiences.
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
Some clients do not require resources or strategies in the traditional sense and may be in need of counselling around issues where they feel stuck. Unami is able to identify such cases and tailor her therapy to suit such situations. Unami uses a range of techniques in her work.

Depending on the presenting issues, there might be some written work such as journaling, they might be some role-play or at times the therapy might involve less activity and more reflective listening from the counsellor.

When working with clients, Unami typically uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which focuses on the link between our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Other therapies she will use are Acceptance and Commitment therapy, which provides the opportunity to explore and commit to accepting where one is at before thinking of changing.

For trauma related concerns Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is on of her go to therapies. Regardless of your therapeutic needs Unami will adjust her therapeutic intervention to what works for the client.