
Why Supervision?

Clinical supervision is a formal process of professional support, reflection and learning that contributes to individual development. Clinical supervision can offer support to new and experienced psychologists alike in their daily work.

Hope Lives Creations is dedicated to nurturing the growth and professional development of psychologists through insightful and supportive supervision.

Clinical supervision can be delivered one to one, in a group setting or online

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woman in red blazer holding white paper
The Supervision Process


Therapists use these sessions for deep self-reflection, examining their thoughts, feelings, and reactions in various therapeutic situations. This includes exploring their strengths, areas for improvement, and emotional responses to clients.

Feedback and Guidance

The supervisor provides constructive feedback, guidance, and support. This may include exploring alternative interventions, considering different theoretical perspectives, and addressing any ethical or professional dilemmas.

Integration of Theory and Practice

Reflective practice supervision encourages therapists to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical experience. This helps therapists develop a more nuanced and flexible approach to their work.

Promoting Ethical Practice

Discussions often touch upon ethical considerations in therapy. Supervisors guide therapists in navigating ethical challenges, ensuring that therapeutic interventions align with professional standards.

Case Consultation

A significant part of the process involves discussing specific cases. Therapists present cases they are currently working on or have encountered, delving into the nuances of each case to gain insights into different therapeutic approaches and potential challenges.

Area of Practice Endorsement Clinical Psychology Registrar Program

Individuals enrolled in the Clinical Psychology Registrar Program are typically registered psychologists under AHPRA, allowing them to engage in various roles within the field, including private practice.

Those interested in pursuing the registrar program must submit an application to AHPRA for program approval.

The specific requirements vary based on the postgraduate degree completed. Regardless of the degree, the registrar program assumes full-time engagement, equivalent to 35 hours per week over 44 weeks annually.

Once approved, registrars have a maximum of 5 years to fulfil the program requirements.

Face-to-face client contact is a mandatory minimum of 176 hours per year

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grayscale photo of high rise buildings